Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I will not be Jennifer Anniston...

Sooo, Vince Vaughn got married this past weekend in a Chicago suburb. The ceremony where he wed a Canadian real estate agent was small and quiet in a Lake Forest mini mansion. To summarize Jens love life, Brad has ran off and started a tribe with Angelina, and Vince had married some commoner. A real estate agent over an actress... Hmm it comes to the point when we have to say Jen, youre no longer the victim, youre ill...

Which like all things in this world, brings me to myself. Am I Jen A.? I did want a team Anniston shirt when the beef was going on. Is Bayette my Brad? After all he was ready for more than I was, I made a bad decision, and he is now engaged. I can also liken Roc to Vince Vaughn, like Vince he traded me in for a cheaper, low budget, commoner; seems to be a pattern here.

I think its time for Jen to change it up, do something different cuz clearly what she, or dare I say we, are doing is not what it do...

1 comment:

  1. I'm still Team Anniston....I ain't going....I love Brad, but he ill and so is Angelina....and Vince V.....he cool, but I feel like she dodged a bullet with that one....
